Time Cockpit Blog

Extensibility is an important aspect of time cockpit and its underlying framework CoFX. In this article I share a training slide deck that I use in CoFX trainings to describe the CoFX data model.  Read more ...

Those of you who know me, also know my appreciation for c++. Those of you knowing time cockpit will also know that nearly all of it is written in c#/.net with its service hosting infrastructure running in Windows Azure. There is one particular part of time cockpit that will, at some point in the future, receive a native rewrite and due to the nature of it, storing its data in windows azure is a key requirement. Windows Azure, up to now, does not offer a developer story for C++ development, especially considering access to its storage subsystem. This is where Casablanca comes in to play:  Read more ...

Am 27. September 2012 durfte ich gemeinsam mit Thomas Rümmler von AIT einen Vortrag zum oben genannten Thema auf dem 2. Symposium für Software Architektur und effiziente Entwicklung variantenreicher Systeme der Technischen Akademie Esslingen (Stuttgart) halten. In diesem Blogartikel finden Sie die Slides und den Text für das Tagungshandbuch)  Read more ...

Ok, I feel ashamed. Already more than three weeks have passed since BASTA 2011 has ended - and I did not publish my slides and samples yet. However, today I finally found the time to write this blog post.  Read more ...

Like last year Rainer Stropek presents at NRWConf in Wuppertal. In his session Rainer speaks about Windows Azure und he demonstrates time cockpit at a booth and during a lunch session.  Read more ...

Just a quick heads up: "Administrator" is not the best user name you could try to use for Windows Azure Remote Desktop connections.  Read more ...

On Thursday I will do three sessions about the Microsoft Windows Azure platform at the DevConnections conference in Karlsruhe (Germany).  Read more ...

Elasticity is what the world of cloud computing is all about. Do you quickly need more storage because of high load on your systems? No problem, in Windows Azure you can store up to 100 TB with a single account and create new SQL clusters within a few seconds. And the best: you just pay for what you really use. In this one day workshop Rainer Stropek, MVP for Windows Azure, presents the storage technologies of Windows and SQL Azure. Learn about blob and table storage as well as SQL Azure, Microsoft’s SQL Server in the cloud.  Read more ...

So today finally came that day, we put our first steps into moving to SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 for our offline database. I was delayed by a day by introducing a new way of managing references to third party components in our build system because I didn't want to replace the Version for the assembly in every project file. How I did that is the content of another blog post though.  Read more ...

At the BIG>DAYS 2011, the largest roadshow of Microsoft in Austria with approx. 1,700 visitors, I do a session about parallel programming together with Andreas Schabus. In the session we start with the basics of parallel programming in .NET 4 and C# 4. Based on that we discuss the importance of parallel programming in Windows Azure and do demos for scaling out compute tasks into the cloud as well as a demo for parallel querying using the concept of horizontal sharding in the SQL Azure database layer.  Read more ...