Time Cockpit Blog

During the last few weeks I have done a few workshops and trainings about the Windows Azure Platform all across Austria. For those people who could not attend I have put together some important dates for webcasts in which you can learn about Windows Azure. Additionally I would like to point you to a webcast recording about getting started with the Windows Azure November 2010 release.  Read more ...

Yesterday the wether in Frankfurt was horrible and so my plane from Berlin was late. I missed my connection flight to Linz and had to stay in a hotel in Frankfurt. Therefore I had some time and I used it for implementing a little sample showing how you can use a customer SSIS data source to easily transfer data from Windows Azure Table Storage to SQL Server databases using the ETL tool "SQL Server Integration Services" (SSIS).  Read more ...

Today I will do a session at Microsoft TechEd Europe 2010 in Berlin. In the next few paragraphs I want to quickly summarize the introduction of the talk for those of you who are interested but did not make it to Berlin.  Read more ...

Yesterday I wrote a tutorial that demonstrates how to use the different storage technologies of the Microsoft Windows Azure Platform (see article Windows Azure Storage in my blog). Some people do not like to read long tutorials, they prefer watching a how-to-video. Therefore I created a series of videos that show how to use SQL Azure, Windows Azure Table Storage, Queues and Blob Storage.  Read more ...

The Windows Azure platform offers different mechanisms to store data permanently. In this article I would like to introduce the storage types of Windows Azure and demonstrate their use by showing an example application.  Read more ...

Today I am at the NRWConf, a community event of Microsoft-oriented software developers in the Börse in Wuppertal.Beside presenting our product time cockpit I also do a session about MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) and data binding with WPF and Silverlight. Because I do the session code-only (no slides!) I have recorded the content last night to enable all participants to repeat the shown sample.  Read more ...

On saturday I had the opportunity to speak about Framework Design Guidelines at the conference See# Party in Switzerland. Here are the key topics that I covered in my session.  Read more ...

After having released time cockpit 1.0, we decided to finally upgrade to Team Foundation Server 2010. The upgrade seemed to have worked without any problem and day-to-day work continued as normal with checkins, branching and merging working at least as good as before. If you read of the changes between TFS 2008 and TFS 2010 (here) you may have noticed that TFS Build 2010 is based on WorkFlow 4.0 (WF4).  Read more ...

In case you are stumbling across a problem where your build does not succeed because the result file for code analysis cannot be found (Unable to read Code Analysis output report. Make sure that the directory is writable (default is the project output directory) be sure to not have any <CodeAnalysisLogFile> entries in your project build files.  Read more ...

We invite you to prove your knowledge about certain subjects concerning Microsoft .NET technology by participating in a monthly quiz. This month the quiz is about C# and .NET secrets. In this article you can reread the questions. Additionally you get background information about the correct answers.  Read more ...