Time Cockpit Blog

One of my hobbies in my private live is beekeeping. A colony of honey bees is a fascinating superorganism. Bees have perfected the principle of self-organization for millions of years. So what can we learn from these masters?  Read more ...

In this release of time cockpit we focused on sync and Excel importer. Time cockpit now provides better information about synchronization conflicts and allows you to easily resolve them. We also redesigned the sync dialog making it cleaner and easier to understand. Finally, we improved the Excel importer to support not only importing new records, but also updating existing ones.  Read more ...

Out of the box time cockpit ships with a powerful importer that can import both CSV and Microsoft Excel files. In previous versions the importer could only be used to import new records. In the new version February 2014 we have improved the importer to also support updating existing records.  Read more ...

At the current time of the year, many people are thinking about their New Year’s resolutions. Beside classics like “eat more vegetables” or “go to the gym more often”, you could add one for your job: Stop thinking you are productive if you are just busy.  Read more ...

December 2013 has primarily been a planning month for us. We defined the topics in which we want to invest in 2014. Nevertheless, in version January 2014 we deliver improvements in the areas reporting and programmable actions. In this article you can read about the enhancements and the results of our planning for 2014.  Read more ...

Nowadays people are on the alert for data security and privacy when it comes to cloud computing. Time cockpit is a SaaS offering in the cloud. In this article we want to describe in detail how we designed, developed, and how we operate time cockpit in order to be secure.  Read more ...

In this release of time cockpit we have improved the new reporting features.  Read more ...

In the December version of time cockpit we have improved the new reporting feature of time cockpit. Read about the new functions and about our plans for the following months.  Read more ...

In this release of time cockpit, we focused on two things. First, we started to tackle one of our most requested features, reporting. Second, we further progressed improving the combo box in time cockpit. We enhanced the usability of how you manage data in time cockpit.   Read more ...

In the November version of time cockpit we have released a first preview of the upcoming reporting feature. Read what's already in the box and what will come in the following months.  Read more ...