Time Cockpit Blog

In last month’s blog article I described how to import data from Visual Studio Online into time cockpit. In contrast to the usual pull approach, I showed how to import data into time cockpit with Webhooks using a push approach. In this article I want to talk about how to integrate on premise systems like Microsoft Dynamics Navision or CRM with time cockpit using Hybrid Connections.  Read more ...

This month we have focused mainly on the new HTML5 time tracking calendar and we are happy that we can provide a first version that allows you to view time sheet entries colored by formatting profile and to add, edit and delete time sheet entries.  Read more ...

Like most people, I have often been struggling with my email inbox. From time to time I tried to catch up with inbox but within days I reached the same mess as before. Finally, the book "Getting Things Done" by David Allen was the trigger to change my habits. There was one advice that changed my way of working: Free your mind and collect everything externally.  Read more ...

While Microsoft will support Silverlight until 2021, Google will remove support already this year. If you want to use Silverlight in the new release of Google Chrome (v42), you have to enable it. In this blog article we describe how this can be done.  Read more ...

A few months ago I wrote a blog article about the concept of "Shearing Layers" in architecture and software development. I submitted a longer, German version of the article for OBJEKTspektrum, a well-known German magazine about IT management and software engineering. It was accepted and is included in this month's issue. For a limited amount of time it is also available online.  Read more ...

In the HTML5 Client we have added support for a large number of advanced configuration options for lists, forms and cells. The list of not fully supported features is still long but lists and forms are becoming more and more usable even for more complex customer scenarios.  Read more ...

We at software architects adapt time cockpit to the needs of our customers every day. Most of our customers have well established processes or tools in place which drive their business. Time cockpit offers multiple options for integrating with upstream systems like Visual Studio Online (VSO), Jira, or Dynamics NAV. Today we want to describe how you can connect time cockpit to VSO using web hooks.  Read more ...

Technical optimization projects are part of our daily business in software development. Additionally, with time cockpit, we are often involved in projects for optimizing team performance and productivity. In this blog article I would like to summarize my learnings about what differentiates successful optimization projects from failures.  Read more ...

The new time cockpit version contains lots of usability improvements for the HTML5 preview. The most important one are keyboard shortcuts that make using the web client much more efficient. Of course we added a bunch of improvements to the full and Silverlight clients, too.  Read more ...

Recently, a customer with a heavily customized data model reported performance issues when loading lists of projects. The customer has around 80 users in his account and handles two separate organizations with time cockpit. Each year the users track about 40,000 time sheet entries. On that basis, the customer has custom reports for project controlling and HR.  Read more ...