Time Cockpit Blog

Ever heard about "pronation" or "supination"? If you have, you are probably a runner like myself. Over years, running shoe manufacturers have been emphasizing how important it is to analyze pronation of your foot and choose a proper shoe based on it - until studies showed that your shoe's pronation control is not connected to injury rates at all. "Pronation" was the running shoe industry's sacred cow. Do you have such "sacred cows" in your business, too? My advice: Never stop questioning them!  Read more ...

In time cockpit version August 2016 we extended the existing project management functionalities. Up to now, time cockpit provided a list for budgetary control of projects. This list helps you to check whether the actual effort is within the project budget. In larger projects you will need more control over the status of you project, so we added a new list "Budgetary Control of Tasks", that allows you to monitor the progress of your projects on task level.  Read more ...

time and money

This month we have focused on improving the project controlling features of time cockpit. We have created a new list for monitoring project status on task level. It shows you the booked hours, remaining hours and hours to bill for each task. To make life easier when creating new time sheet entries, we have introduced a closed flag for tasks to reduce the number of items in the tasks combo box. With BackReferenceCells in forms a relatively new feature from the full client made it into the web client. And finally, we could fix performance problems with reports in the HTML5 client this month.  Read more ...

Microsoft Power BI is getting more and more attention in the market. We get questions about integrating time cockpit with Power BI frequently. AIT, one of our long-term time cockpit customers, shared some of their time cockpit-related Power BI dashboards with us. Read what they have built and how they use the dashboards to manage their team.  Read more ...

More and more users are using the new HTML5 client of time cockpit. We love that :-) To smoothen the transition, we did a lot of polishing in the HTML5 user interface this month. Examples are better keyboard handling, better performance of the forms engine and auto-sizing of grid columns. In this blog article we describe all enhancements that we rolled out this month.  Read more ...

It has been 6 and a half years now since we have gone live with time cockpit back in 2010. In these years, we have served various company types. In this article we want to share our experience when introducing time cockpit.  Read more ...


In the last decade, requirements for business software have changed drastically. First, monolithic industry solutions had to become platforms to enable tailoring to customer-specific needs. Next, architectural changes were necessary to fully use the advantages of cloud computing. Today, software products have to become Microservices that can be combined by customers into larger systems. This article summarized this evolution of business software and describes how our strategy for time cockpit fits in.  Read more ...

This month we have put our focus on these two topcis: handling time-off in the time tracking calendar and better usibility of lists. You do not need to leave the time tracking calendar anymore to manage time off like vacation or sick leave. In lists you now have much better grouping functionality, especially when dates are affected.  Read more ...

Do you have customized time cockpit or plan to customize it? If yes, you should continue reading, because in this article we show you how you can get your own, private time cockpit test system where you can play around with things without influencing your time cockpit production environment.  Read more ...

This month we have mainly focused on two topics: date / time input and extensibility of the HTML5 client. The improvements for date and time input are ready to use in the new version. There are lots of shortcuts now to enter date and time values. Making time cockpit ready for your extensions will take us another month until we are ready to ship this feature - then you will be able to add your own HTML5 apps to the time cockpit menu.  Read more ...