Time Cockpit Blog

The software business has been changing at a daunting speed in the last years. Technologies, programming languages, frameworks, project management approaches, etc. we use today have changed so much compared to e.g. five years ago. This is especially true if you are developing on Microsoft's technology stack (e.g. C#, .NET, Visual Studio, TypeScript, Azure) like we do. During workshops and trainings, I often get asked how I find the time to learn all these new technologies. In this blog article I would like to share some thoughts about this topic with you.  Read more ...

Many of our customers use Node.js to extend time cockpit. They automate routine tasks, implement interfaces to other systems, or even write powerful web apps on top of time cockpit's OData web api. We have good news for you: TypeScript's new async/await feature makes your life much easier.  Read more ...

Time cockpit is a great platform for managing time- and project-related data. Microsoft’s Power BI shines when it comes to data visualization and interactive dashboards. Wouldn’t it be nice to integrate both systems to get the best of both worlds? For this month’s newsletter, we have created a sample showing how simple it is to connect both systems’ web APIs. Watch the video in the blog article to find out how the integration sample works. Additionally, the blog article contains links to the sample code. Feel free to use it as a starting point for exporting your time cockpit data to Power BI.  Read more ...

This month we have focused on improving the behavior of lists in the HTML5 client. We added full-text search and significantly improved the grouping behavior. In the full client, we fixed some issues regarding data synchronization and Outlook integration.  Read more ...

Office 365 makes it quite easy to create add-ins using HTML and JavaScript. Time cockpit also offers an easy-to-use API for these web technologies. In this blog article I walk you through a short sample that demonstrates how to create an Outlook calendar add-in accessing time cockpit's project database.  Read more ...

Image source: Wikimedia Commons

Time cockpit contains a powerful importer for Excel and CSV files. You might have already used it in time cockpit's full client. This month we added the Excel importer to the new HTML5 client. In this article we describe how it works.  Read more ...

It is true, there are lots of ways to get data in and out of time cockpit, the most advanced one being the OData Web API. Still, there are scenarios where an Excel import plays strong. First, you do not need to have any programming skills to import data. Time cockpit can generate an empty sample file. You just need to fill the file with your data and let time cockpit do the rest. And let’s be honest, Excel is ubiquitous and nearly everyone knows how to work with it. In this blog article I describe scenarios in which many time cockpit customers use our Excel importing feature.  Read more ...

This month we focused on bringing time cockpit's Excel importer to the HTML 5 web client. It is true, there are other ways to load data into time cockpit which are fancier (see OData Web API). But if you need a pragmatic but powerful way that most users can relate to, you might consider the time cockpit Excel importer for import tasks.  Read more ...

Data protection is an important topic when it comes to cloud computing. This is true especially for customers in Europe. Recently, discussions about whether cloud services can be considered as safe for European customers got fueled by a critical statement of the advisor to Europe's top court about the Safe Harbor agreement. In this article I want to describe the current situation in Azure concerning EU data protection laws.  Read more ...

In this article, we will show how you can connect time cockpit with Office 365 to view all the vacations of your employees in one single Sharepoint/Outlook calendar. This approach has two big benefits: First, you do not need to manage vacations in multiple systems and second, you can take advantage of the strength of both, time cockpit and Office 365.  Read more ...