Time Cockpit Blog

This month we have focused on the performance of the time sheet calendar, especially the performance when editing time sheet entries. Until now time cockpit always reloaded all time sheet entries for the selected month after editing, adding or deleting a time sheet entry. Additionally, time cockpit reloaded all time sheet templates, because every change could cause changes in the templates. This was even true when only moving or resizing a time sheet entry in the calendar.  Read more ...

Estimation is hard, especially in agile projects. At the beginning of a project you do not exactly know what you have to build. Nevertheless, CFOs, project managers, customers, teams that you have to work with, and many other stakeholders want and need estimations. They ask for expected costs, roadmaps, timelines, necessary resources, and so on. The bad news is that people are typically very weak estimators. The good news is that you can improve your estimation skills with training.  Read more ...

Google has decided that they will be retiring Google Latitude on August 9th. Unfortunately, this will break the location history feature we have introduced in time cockpit version June 2013.  Read more ...

Of course we are using our own software for internal time tracking, too. In this short video I show how location-based time tracking in time cockpit helps me keeping my time sheet up to date while travelling to customers all across Europe.  Read more ...

This month we improved the performance of initial synchronization. Especially when you already have collected lots of signals on multiple devices, the initial sync on a new device may take more than an hour. In the July version we managed to increase sync performance for our own time cockpit users (yes, we are eating our own dog food) from nearly one hour to approximately 15 minutes.  Read more ...

Time tracking in agile projects is a controversially discussed topic in many project teams. Some people – typically the developers – argue that time tracking is at least unnecessary if not unwanted when following agile principles. They refer to documents like the Scrum Guide which says that “Scrum does not consider the time spent working on Sprint Backlog Items. The work remaining and date are the only variables of interest”. On the opposite side of the spectrum there are people – typically managers – who insist on detailed time tracking. They work according to the famous saying “you can’t manage what you can’t measure”. Agile is fresh, it is new. Therefore asking for time tracking might seem old-fashioned and somehow related to the often criticized waterfall model. However, there are a lot of valid reasons why you might still need time tracking even if you decide to work the agile way. Let’s take a look at six of the most important reasons.  Read more ...

Stacey's Agreement and Certainty Matrix

Time cockpit can work online or offline. All changes are synchronized to a local database for offline use. For the next version (July 2013, 1.14) we have dramatically improved the performance when syncing large amounts of signal data, greatly reducing initial synchronization times for new users or devices.  Read more ...

Time cockpit allows you to take notes during your daily work. Such a note often acts as a reminder for a certain action, task switch or event that is not automatically tracked but important for your time booking. Notes are typically created for the current point in time. This article shows how you can configure time cockpit to allow arbitrary timestamps in user notes.  Read more ...

Today one of our customers reported an issue that time cockpit's Silverlight client would not load on his computer. The fabulous thing about this: The customer solved the problem himself AND gave us the root of the cause. We definitely have the best customers in the world.  Read more ...

From the very first day of our time cockpit project we wanted to support knowledge workers who travel a lot. Finally this vision has become reality. The latest time cockpit version makes booking your time sheet records for business travels a piece of cake.  Read more ...