Time Cockpit Blog

The importance of time cockpit’s primary target market, the tertiary sector of economy, has been constantly growing since the 70s. There is no indication that this trend will be slowing down in the near future. Within the European Union for example 74% of all non-financial companies are in the service sector.   Read more ...

Naturally most services companies do not primarily provide physical goods. They supply skills, ingenuity and experience with the help of their service suppliers – people! Employees and especially their time is the most valuable asset in service companies. People working in this industry make their living from selling their work time. They have the crucial need to track what and for how long they work on specific tasks because this, at the end of the day, determines their costs to a great deal and in many cases even directly influences their sales revenue.   Read more ...

For the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference we have created a video that shows how time cockpit uses the Windows Azure Platform.  Read more ...

Up until (and including) our beta 2 release time cockpit used IronPython 2.4 for executing scripts. When creating complex scripts we often had to iterate over collections and check for certain conditions or concatenate collections of strings. Whenever possible we try to solve such tasks using TCQL when selecting the source data from the data layer to pass most of the work on to the database.  Read more ...

Some time cockpit beta users reported problems when viewing projects or timesheets in the administration module. The following exception occured when they tried to open a list of projects or timesheets.  Read more ...