Time Cockpit Blog

This month we deliver performance improvements in several parts of time cockpit. Additionally, we included a workaround for a bug in Microsoft's garbage collector that some time cockpit customers had to struggle with.  Read more ...

Agile principles have become quite popular in software development. The approach has proven to be successful many times. Frameworks for agile development like Scrum are not at all limited to software development. Still, the agile approach can rarely be found outside of this domain. We think, that’s a pity.  Read more ...

A common scenario in time cockpit is assigning different permissions to team leaders and team members. Team leaders should see all time sheet records of all members whereas team members should only see their own records. In this blog post you learn how you can set up this logic in time cockpit within a few minutes.  Read more ...

Did you ever ask yourself how you are doing in terms of time tracking compared to other people? This test unveils your time tracking fitness level. Try it. It's fun and you might get ideas how you could enhance your existing time tracking practice.  Read more ...

This month we have added various productivity functions to time cockpit. Among others you can now book vacations, sick leaves and compensatory time directly in the time tracking calendar.  Read more ...

For time cockpit we have decided to bet the farm on OData instead of a custom web api. PragmatiQa's XOData shows what you get for free because of time cockpit supporting OData.  Read more ...

Regularly, customers ask us how to send emails when certain things happen in time cockpit (e.g. project runs out of budget, user creates time sheet record for a month that has already been billed, etc.). In this blog post we show how this can be done with a few lines of script code and our OData Web API.  Read more ...

This month we improved sync handling in time cockpit's full client and added support for booking compensatory time. The June 2014 version is fully compatible down to version March 2013 (1.10) so team members need not to upgrade all at the same time.  Read more ...

Time cockpit has been able to handle overtime agreements for quite a long time. However, many customers have told us that they would like a function to explicitly book compensatory time so that their time sheet calendar would not be empty on such a day. We added this function to time cockpit in the latest release.  Read more ...

Last week I learned a lesson about the agile approach in such critical projects the hard way. I had an accident with my mountain bike. I fell directly on my shoulder and I immediately knew that it wasn’t just a bruise. X-ray and CAT scanner showed that it was a complex fracture. Now what has that to do with agile development? It turned out that the shoulder surgery I needed would be agile.  Read more ...