Time Cockpit Blog

In October 2010 we will release version 1.4 of the time tracking tool time cockpit. The big new featur in V1.4 is security. You will be able to exactly control access to data and functions. Beside security the release 1.4 will also bring some visual improvements: Clearer color scheme for signal data, enhanced editor with syntax coloring for scripts and TCQL queries and much more. In the screencast below (German) you can get a glimpse of time cockpit V1.4.  Read more ...

Lately we had a customer with a corrupted local database. Various source on the internet revealed that his is mostly related to power outs and blue screens. For time cockpit it becomes apparent when neither the signal tracker nor the time cockpit UI is able to start.  Read more ...

Upon popular request I would like to explain the current possibilities and limitations of time cockpit in advanced multi-user scenarios like using Remote Desktop Services or sharing workstations (using user switching).  Read more ...

Version 1.3 contains mainly improvements in display and editing of lists. Please note that all users in a tenant have to switch to the new version as soon as the first user in the tenant installs this version, because users with older versions will not be able to sync their data with the server anymore. If you do not want to force other users to upgrade you may install version 1.2. It does not contain all improvements of version 1.3 but it is compatible with versions 1.0 and 1.1.  Read more ...

In our very successfull webinar this morning we were asked by an attendee if it is possible to import phone calls from a mobile network provider's itemized call list. We really liked the idea (thanks grasgruen.it) and decided to create a prototype/proof of concept implementation of such an import using IronPython, our own SDK and third party APIs.  Read more ...

In our last blogpost (see here), we covered how to create actions with parameters. We described how to create an action, how to define exececution conditions and of course, how to create action parameters. As we mentioned in our last blogpost, time cockpit auto-generates a form for each parameter entity that is used with an action. However, it is also possible to define custom forms for action parameters. For creating a customely defined form, the following steps are necessary.  Read more ...

Last week, a user brought to our attention that there was no example in our help that demonstrated how to implement an action that takes parameters. Therefore, I want to give a quick example of how to achieve the latter behavior. First let me say that the following example is rather trivial, but it should suffice to show you the basic principles of actions.   Read more ...

Today we will release SP1 for time cockpit 2010. In this blog we would like to summarize the changes in this program version. Note that the setup for time cockpit 2010 SP1 can be used to install a new, fresh copy of time cockpit and to update an existing installation of time cockpit 2010.  Read more ...

Today we had a potential customer having difficulites with the excel export. I agree that there are some rough edges and therefore some more explanation of how the excel export works: Basically there are two variants of exports: Templated and direct. Internally this corresponds to time cockpit reading an exisiting template or creating a default template from the entity type that is to be exported. Therefore I will only explain the templated version, because the non-templated version works the same, just that time cockpit generates a template for you instead of you specifying the template.  Read more ...

After two years of planning and developping we are proud to announce time cockpit version 1.0. Try time cockpit and see what it can do for you. You can download the final version and use it 30 days for free. If you have installed one of the beta versions please note that you have to remove the old version before installing the final version.  Read more ...