Time Cockpit Blog

Today is an exciting day for the entire time cockpit team. We are opening up a first public preview of our brand new HTML5 client for time cockpit. Try it, play with it, and tell us what you think. Please be aware that it is an early preview and not production-ready. There will be errors, you will miss important features, we continue to work hard on it. However, we hope that the preview will already provide value to some of you and that you will share your thoughts with us.  Read more ...

Time cockpit got a new log file format which makes troubleshooting much easier. Additionally, we extended our implementation of script source lists to get enable optimizations in time cockpit's web client.  Read more ...

Haven't we all learned in project management courses that fixed-price contracts are not necessarily an advantage for the buyer-side? Weren't these problems the very reason why agile project management principles have been invented? However, it is a matter of fact that many customers still insist on fixed project prices. In this blog article I want to share our approach of making fixed-price and agile go together.  Read more ...

Those of you who use time cockpit’s browser version might have run into the following problem: You open a list, try to execute an action or simply try to save a time sheet entry and time cockpit shows the following message: "Hash could not be verified". Read about the reason for this problem and how to resolve it.  Read more ...

If you want to play with a web api like the one from time cockpit, you need a tool to build and run web requests. You could use rather low-level tools like curl or Fiddler. Postman is an alternative with a much nicer UI and the possibility to store requests for later use.  Read more ...

Each year, Gartner publishes their view on top technology trends for the upcoming year. Recently, the trends for 2015 have been published. It turned out that time cockpit is positioned really well. In this blog article we want to describe how our strategy for time cockpit relates to certain trends that Gartner recognized for 2015.  Read more ...

This month we are announcing the next important step in our movement towards HTML and JavaScript: We present the first public preview of time cockpit's OpenID Connect endpoint for authentication and authorization. Additionally we have improved validation consistency and disabled SSL 3.0 support to prevent POODLE attacks.  Read more ...

When we did our yearly strategy meeting at the beginning of 2014, we decided to dedicate this year primarily to moving time cockpit to HTML and JavaScript. This decision had huge consequences on important cornerstones of time cockpit's internal structure. The proprietary communication protocols we used in Silverlight are not appropriate for a purely browser-based solution. So we decided to move to platform- and vendor-neutral standards communication standards. Today, we present the next step down that road: Time Cockpit's brand new OpenID Connect endpoint for authentication.  Read more ...

Image source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bricklayer_J4.jpg, Creative Commons License

We believe that modern commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions like time cockpit have to develop at different speeds at the same time. There are layers where change has to be very carefully planned and executed slowly. On the other hand there are layers that are constantly moving and change has to happen literally overnight. Architects call this the sheering layers concept. In this article I would like you to introduce you to this idea, provide some tips how you can benefit from it, and finally describe how time cockpit follows this principle.  Read more ...

Comboboxes that depend on each other are a common requirement in time cockpit. Example: Once a customer is selected, the project combobox should only contain the selected customer's projects. Configuring dependent comboboxes isn't complex. This blog article describes how you can do it in custom forms and lists.  Read more ...