Time Cockpit Blog

This month we continued our work on time cockpit's HTML5 client. We added back reference tabs in forms and made navigation in the main menu easier. In addition to that advances in the web client, we fixed issues related to reporting in time cockpit' full client. In this blog article we describe this month's improvements in more details.  Read more ...

This month, the graphical time sheet calendar of our HTML5 client preview made a huge step forward. We worked hard to add many of the features you love from time cockpit's full client. Additionally, the HTML5 client received a complete makeover. In this blog article we summarize what has changed since last month. We hope you like our work and encourage you to give the new HTML5 client a try.   Read more ...

We deliver our software time cockpit as a service (SaaS model). By sending monthly invoices, we regularly remind our customers of the money they pay for our service. Therefore, it is crucial that we continuously show progress and innovation so that customers know what they are paying for. In this blog article I want to talk about 10 great sources we use to get ideas for new features and technologies.  Read more ...

In the latest version of time cockpit, we added built-in functions for monitoring wage & hour violations. This topic is important for many of our customers as violations can be costly. Time cockpit contains typical rule sets for Austria and Germany out-of-the-box. Customers in different countries or with specific working time rules can configure custom rule sets. Read more about how time cockpit can help you to stay compliant to legal obligations and policies concerning working times.  Read more ...

We have lots of new features and improvements in time cockpit this month: A new feature for monitoring working time violations, lots of enhancements in the HTML5 preview including full support for reports, and a bunch of performance optimizations for Full and HTML5 client.  Read more ...

Architects call the central idea or concept of a building "parti". You can think of parti as the big idea behind an architectural design. Without a parti, agile and iterative development can quickly ruin your software's architectural design. Read more about the concept of the parti and how it translates to software.  Read more ...

This month we have added a much requested feature to the HTML5 time tracking calendar: creating new time sheet entries with drag & drop.  Read more ...

If you want to import a single Excel or CSV file, time cockpit's Importer Module probably offers exactly what you need. However, you might need to regularly import multiple files depending on each other (e.g. projects and customers where each project row contains a reference to a customer row). Wouldn't it be nice to have this import automated so you can trigger it with a single click? This is possible using time cockpit's scripting language.  Read more ...

Granted, time tracking is not one of our customers' favorite tasks. However, it has to be done for accounting, because of legal obligations, etc. But does it have to be like this? Is it possible to differentiate from ones competition with an outstanding time tracking organization and software? Our partner softaware believes in that and has built a "Software Diary". It uses time cockpit behind the scenes.  Read more ...

May has been the second month in a row where we focused our development efforts predominantly on the new HTML5 time tracking calendar. We think the calendar has reached a state where it provides real value even for productive time booking. Give it a try, we would love to hear your feedback.  Read more ...