Time Cockpit Blog

In the last few months, I have recognized a rising problem in software development teams on the Microsoft platform. They are panting as they try to keep up with new release of the components and tools they use. Every day new announcements arrive. A constant fear from getting out-of-date forces them to follow the respective team blogs, twitter accounts, news sites, etc. This is not only consuming more and more time. It also places mental stress on development teams.  Read more ...

Yesterday, I was speaker at Microsoft's Road to the Cloud event in Vienna. Microsoft invited me to speak about our learnings from five years time cockpit in the cloud. It was great to see how interested people were about discussing business aspects of cloud computing.   Read more ...

Many countries have regulations concerning paid time off (time cockpit uses the term vacation for that). In our home country Austria for instance, employees typically have five weeks of paid vacation. On first sight, calculating the remaining paid vacation should not be too hard. However, if you dig into the details and edge cases, it gets interesting.  Read more ...

In many companies, each year starts with planning. Planning the financial aspects of your business is one part of that process. In this blog article I would like to share our thoughts about creating and continuously controlling our budget. Of course, time cockpit plays an important role in our budgeting process.  Read more ...

This month we have put our focus on better error diagnostics and minor improvements in the time sheet calendar. It has become much easier to send us your log files, performance for booking with time sheet templates has been improved, signal lanes are highlighted, etc.  Read more ...

2014 has been a successful year for our company. We could raise our revenue to a new all-time record, enlarge our team, and formalize our long-lasting partnership with our friends at softaware.  Read more ...

Our company has been a Microsoft partner for many years. Each January, we have to renew our certifications. This year we managed to get two competencies.  Read more ...

Unfortunately, we found a very unpleasant bug in time cockpit this week: in January 2015, the signal lanes are not shown. The signal details on the right side are displayed correctly but the lanes next to the time sheet entries are missing. We have already created a fix that is available for download.  Read more ...

We did Scrum years ago for the initial development of time cockpit. Granted, there were times where we managed to do Scrum nearly by the book but sometimes we got a bit lazy. Nevertheless, it worked perfectly fine for us. Today, we don’t do Scrum anymore. In this blog article I want to describe why we turned away from it and how we manage our development process today.  Read more ...

Last month we proudly launched the first public preview of the upcoming HTML5 client for time cockpit. When we started developing the new platform many months ago, we also decided that we had to rethink our entire build and operation processes. In this blog article I invite you to take a look behind the scenes of time cockpit web development. Additionally, I want to summarize our lessons learned.  Read more ...