Time Cockpit Blog

Extensibility is an important feature of time cockpit. In contrast to many of our competitors, we enable you to tailor time cockpit exactly to your needs. In this blog post, I want to focus on how you can add advanced custom logic using Python scripting. Python scripts are just text, so you can theoretically develop them in any text editor. However, when logic gets more complex, you need a more advanced development environment supporting syntax coloring, IntelliSense, debugging, unit testing, etc. Microsoft offers such an environment: Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS). It is free and it works with Microsoft’s free Visual Studio Community Edition. So, let us see how you can use PTVS to professionalize you Python scripting in time cockpit.  Read more ...

I travel a lot in my job. Last year I had over 70 flight segments, made dozens of long-distance train trips and slept on average once per week in a hotel. In this blog post, I want to share my tips for making good use of travel time. Sometimes I use it for working, sometimes I just relax, but I always try to not waste the time.  Read more ...

More and more of our customers use multiple SaaS solutions to do their business. Many business processes span multiple applications. Therefore, they need a glue that combines the different systems. One possibility is writing serverless functions. However, sometimes graphical workflows are a better match. Azure Logic Apps implement such an approach. In this blog post we demonstrate how you can embed time cockpit in such workflows.  Read more ...

This month we have focused on improving the performance of validating and saving data as well as loading combo box values. Additionally, we have changed the way data can be selected in grids.  Read more ...

This month our main goal was to make your signal data you have collected with the Full Client available in the HTML5 Client. Additionally, we have made improvements and bug fixes for the HTML5 Client as well as for the Full Client.  Read more ...

It is sometimes hard to keep track of your work during a busy week, isn't it? In such situations, our users love time cockpit's signal trackers. They make notes about your work in the background. When it comes to completing your time sheet records, the data they collected makes sure you do not forget billable hours. This month, we added signal tracker data to time cockpit's HTML5 client. In this blog post your get all the information you need to benefit from your signals when accessing time cockpit through a browser.  Read more ...

Besides working on our flagship product time cockpit, we help customers to build their own cloud-based SaaS solutions. Looking back on the work I have been doing for the last few years, it strikes me how much my work as a developer has changed since we made the move to cloud and PaaS. One question has become determining: Is there a PaaS service for my problem? In this blog post I share how we evaluate PaaS services used in our projects.  Read more ...

Machine learning is a hot topic nowadays. Therefore, the R programming language has gained a lot of popularity lately. Microsoft is also pushing in that direction by adding R support in many of its products including Visual Studio. I assume that some customers want to analyze data from time cockpit in R, too. So I wrote this blog post to demonstrate how you can use time cockpit's RESTful Web API and TCQL to get data into R for further analysis.   Read more ...

(c) by The R Foundation, Image Source

This month we have focused on improving the performance of some common scenarios like modifying time sheet entries in the calendar and scrolling in lists. For that, we have made lots of improvements and bug fixes to provide a good performance in all modern browsers.  Read more ...

This month we have worked closely with some of our customers who plan to switch to the HTML5 client to make sure that all their time cockpit customizations also work in the HTML5 client. For that, we have made lots of improvements and bug fixes. Additionally, we now allow to authenticate with time cockpit by using the hybrid flow of OpenID Connect.  Read more ...